Allison Friedman has been part of the Port Summer Show since 2008. She played the electric bass in the pit orchestra as a volunteer for six years before becoming the musical director in 2014. In 2017, she took over directing and conducting the pit. She has been teaching in the Port Washington School District since 2005. She is currently the 6th grade chorus and 7th/8th grade general music teacher at Weber Middle School. Before moving up to Weber, she taught general music, chorus, and instrumental lessons at South Salem Elementary School. Allison is very involved in musical theatre and has been directing, musically directing, and/or conducting productions since 2002. Allison is also currently the co-advisor/musical director of the Weber drama club and the co-director of the "Curtains Up" Elementary Musical Theatre Productions. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Music Education and a Masters Degree in Music Theory & Composition from Long Island University C.W. Post and a Masters in Educational Technology from NYIT.